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Our mental health nationally is still reeling from the effects of Covid, the anxiety, the learning loss, and the long term trauma of living through a global pandemic is still with us. It will be years before we fully understand the effects on our national well being. Covid also spurred further addiction, driving our tragic fentanyl overdose crisis into overdrive. We need to invest resources in helping those with addiction, more beds for psychiatric patients in hospitals and rehabilitation clinics, and training more people on how to administer Narcan and it widely available.

Our community, our children, our elderly, you, and I are not safe without strong, actionable gun safety measures. The stronger our background checks are, the fewer guns are sold to individuals that are a threat to themselves and to society. I am proud I live in CT, where we have been a leader in banning assault weapons, ghost guns and high capacity magazines while implementing stronger background checks. There is still more work to be done. Mental Health Professionals need resources to learn how to assess for gun safety in the home and how to utilize red flag laws. We can’t stop here.

Our bodily right to autonomy is rapidly decreasing state by state. Thankfully we live in Connecticut, a safe haven state, where people needing abortions and those performing them can receive and provide care without the threat of jail or worse. The fight is not over. If a Republican majority is elected in the house, senate and White House, we will have a 15 week abortion ban nationwide. We need to codify Roe V Wade in our state constitution. 

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